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勐泐大佛寺八十罗汉托钵(The Eighteen Alms-collecting Arhants)
  发表日期:2016年2月11日  共浏览372 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 八十罗汉托钵的含义 :释迦牟尼佛住世,弘法四十九年,始终托钵化缘说法。其内以资养化身,外以说法普度众生。八十罗汉托钵化缘,并非专门为了果腹,更重要的是为了继承佛祖遗志,弘扬佛法。据传,佛祖涅槃前交代下话,为了不让佛法失传,每日必托钵化缘讲说佛法。因此,罗汉们代表佛、法、僧三宝,托钵化缘,代佛说法,为众生种福报。有关钵的偈语 “若见空钵,当愿众生,究竟清净,空无烦恼;若见满钵,当愿众生,具足盛满,一切善法。”

The Sakyamuni Buddha spread the Dharma and went collecting alms for forty-five years before His passing away. Hence the signification of the Eighteen Alms-collecting Arhants. The meaning of these figures is not only related to the satisfaction of material needs, but also to the purpose of continuing spreading the Buddhist Dharma. When the Buddha was finally approaching Nirvana, He told His disciples to do alms-collecting in order to continue this task. Therefore, the Alms-collecting Arhants represent the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, the Three Jewels of Buddhism in the task of spreading the Dharma and helping people make merit. As the saying goes, “If nothing is collected, we will stay calm and peaceful, and have no worry; if the bowl is full with food, we will wish for all living beings to be full with good Dharma.

上一篇:勐泐大佛寺功德林(Merits and virtues of forest)
下一篇:勐泐大佛寺浴佛(Bathing the Buddha)



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