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Nanguan Park ((南馆公园)
  发表日期:2021年7月13日  共浏览221 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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Nanguan Park was constructed in 1956 and opened to the public in 1992. After the renovation in 2002, this park turned into a park famous for water views. This park occupies an area of 3 hectares and features water views, which include river, lake, stream, brook, spring, waterfall and other featured views. In July 2006, it opened to the public for free.

Hosta Garden. Hosta is made in China and there is a beautiful story about the name of the flower. Legend says, when the Queen Mother of West Heaven held a feast to entertain the immortals of Heaven, fairies got drunk after drinking the prepared alcoholic beverages and their hairpins dropped from Heaven to Earth and turned into Hosta flowers (Chinese people call them hairpin flowers). The moral meaning of the flower is that one can keep clean and behave well even when he is in a very difficult situation.

Hexagonal Pavilion. The Hexagonal Pavilion is located at the highest point of the south of the park. Visitors coming to the pavilion can have a good view of the entire park and is the focus of appreciation vision in the park. If you watch the pavilion from different spots of the park, you will get different visual effects.

上一篇:Beijing Tianchi Scenic Spot ((北京天池风景区)
下一篇:Tiananmen Square(天安门广场)



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