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Songzhuang Art Center ((宋庄艺术区)
  发表日期:2021年7月9日  共浏览132 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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Songzhuang as the former village of painters is China’s largest community of artists specialized in original arts, paralleled with the world-known art districts such as Barbizon of Paris in France, SOHO in the US and Dachau and Worpswede in Germany. Residences are decorated into special studios. Various forms of artistic graffiti are everywhere in the village, some are in abstract style and some are in the style of oil paintings.

Previously known as an "art village", Songzhuang Art Center, which can be put on a par with the noted art gathering areas such as Barbizon in Paris, SOHO in the U.S., and Dachau and Worpswede in Germany, is now the largest gathering place for original artists in China. Thanks to the artists' patronage, the village has experienced an earthshaking change.

The residential buildings here are decorated into featured studios, where all kinds of graffiti can be seen, including abstract ones and grease painted ones.

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