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Beijing Huguang Guild Hall ((北京湖广会馆大戏楼)
  发表日期:2021年6月28日  共浏览206 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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The Beijing Huguang Guild Hall was first built in 1807.The grand theatre and ziwu well are all remains of the original buildings, and famous actors Tanxinpei, Yu shuyan and Mei lanfang once gave performance in this guild hall. Dr. Sun Yat-sen presided over the conference of the founding of the KMT in the guild hall in 1912.

The grand theater is splendid and imposing with an antique flavor. Leading Beijing opera stars often give performances here, it is very cheerful to enjoy the opera, while sipping tea in the theatre. Wenchang pavilion is now an exhibition hall of the beijing theatrical museum. Huguang guide hall restaurant has a style of its own. Visitors can enjoy dishes with beijing flavor, which is a part of the traditional theatrical culture, and your presence is cordially requested. This Huguang Theater has a rich history filled with traditional atmosphere in both its architecture and performances.

While surrounded by the spirit of the traditional Beijing Theater, you can enjoy the Beijing Opera, a traditional art form of China, along with Chinese tea. The repertoire changes every day. It is a good idea to include the appreciation of the beautiful songs and dance performances as the highlight of a Beijing night tour as well. As for the matter of language, we will gladly offer you a pair of headphones with English translation. This way you can get a deeper understanding out of the performance.

上一篇:The Grand View Garden (北京大观园)
下一篇:Mai Bar



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