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Mai Bar
  发表日期:2021年6月28日  共浏览214 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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Mai can be found deep in the alley, past Siif and towards the Second Ring Road, ground previously only trodden by busy locals and people lost on their way to the old Fish Nation. This tiny cocktail courtyard bar might not hold many people, but their house infusions and large collection of whiskeys makes for a nice place to get cozy with a few friends. It‘s hard to find, but worth it when you get there.

Category: Bars
City Area: Gulou
Directions: Opposite Nanluoguxiang, 500m 南锣鼓巷对面胡同,500米
Name in Chinese: 麦
Website: http://weibo.com/malteasersbar
Email: maibarbeijing@yahoo.com

上一篇:Beijing Huguang Guild Hall ((北京湖广会馆大戏楼)
下一篇:Loong bar



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