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Museum of Revolution in Jinggang Mountains
  发表日期:2019年1月20日  共浏览555 次   出处:中华旅游网     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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  Located at Jinggang Mountains in Jiangxi Province, the Museum of Revolution in Jinggang Mountains is built to commemorate the first village revolutionary base founded by the Chinese Communist Party. It was opened to public in 1959.
  The museum boasts a collection of about 3,000 pieces of cultural relics, among which 860 are original items and 2,000 replicas, including the oil lamp and inkslab used by Mao Zedong and a shoulder pole used by Zhu De.
  The basic display shows the history of the Revolution in Jinggang Mountains, with about 600 documents, pictures and real objects. It employs modern expression techniques of sound, lighting and electricity. To restore, preserve and make these sites known is another task of the museum.
  Most sites are distributed in Ciping and Wujing (five villages on Jinggangshan, all of which are in the shape of a well). The five major sentries in the Jinggang Mountains Military Base still preserves the relic of defense work of the No. 4 Forces of the Chinese Red Army.

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