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Home-Style Chongqing Dishes
  发表日期:2018年8月27日  共浏览264 次   出处:www.seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 He’s a list of what we consider to be 9 of Chongqing’s most famous, popular and foreigner-friendly dishes. All these dishes are traditionally eaten with rice (米饭mǐ fàn) and are best shared between two or more people considering the average portion sizes. Most Chongqing restaurants will serve these dishes, which helps if you cannot read a menu.

Kung Pao Chicken宫(ɡōnɡ)保(bǎo)鸡(jī)丁(dīnɡ) -Left

- Diced chicken, peanuts, spring onion, dried chili

Fish Flavored Pork 鱼(yú)香(xiānɡ)肉(ròu)丝(sī) -Right

- Stripped pork, spring onion, garlic
Twice-cooked Pork 回(huí)锅(ɡuō)肉(ròu) -Left

- Pork slices, green pepper (not spicy), red onion, black bean, dried chili

Mapo Tofu 麻(má)婆(pó)豆(dòu)腐(fǔ) -Right

- Diced tofu, minced pork, Sichuan pepper
Dry Chili Chicken 辣(là)子(zǐ)鸡(jī) -Left

- Diced chicken (often on the bone), lots of dried chili, Sichuan pepper

Spicy Boiled Beef 水(shuǐ)煮(zhǔ)牛(niú)肉(ròu) -Right

- Lean beef, bean sprouts (in soup)

Sour Vegetables with Fish 酸(suān)菜(cài)鱼(yú) -Left

- River fish (with bones), chili pepper, sour vegetables

Eggs and Tomatoes 番(fān)茄(qié)炒(chǎo)蛋(dàn) -Right

- Scrambled eggs, tomatoes

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