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One-day tour around beautiful campuses in Nanjing
  发表日期:2018年8月24日  共浏览188 次   出处:www.seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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The elegant ancient buildings plus all kinds of beautiful autumn trees in the campuses add literary elements to the autumnal scenery. Which university in Nanjing has the best autumnal scenery then?

Phoenix trees and metasequoia at NUST

Near the North Gate of Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) are rows of straight metasequoia trees which reach to the sky. They still keep their abstruse greenness in late autumn, and display their beauty of unique stillness. Beside the metasequoia trees are rows of golden phoenix trees which burst forth their golden crowns, and are in fantastic harmony with the solemn metasequoia trees.

Gingko Avenue at Gulou Campus of NJU

Gulou Campus of NJU has always been a symbolic place to view gingko trees in Nanjing. In the best viewing season, roads are paved with golden yellow leaves, thick with strong warmth. In addition to the gingko trees, the creepers behind Beiyuan Auditoria have also been dyed into the strong flame color, paving the entire red-brick wall surface and attracting people to stop.

Blue water surrounded by phoenix trees at Sipailou Campus of SEU

The auditorium of Sipailou Campus of Southeast University (SEU) is located in the center of the campus. On both sides of the auditorium, lofty oriental planes are standing tall and upright, forming one golden barrier after another in the sky. Behind the oriental plane trees are the solemn ancient pine trees that date back to the Six Dynasties period. These pine trees display their abstruse green-black color, and are attractively reflected in the green rippling fountain in front of the auditorium together with the golden oriental plane trees.

Hundred-year-old gingko trees at Suiyuan Campus of NNU

On the left and right sides of the lawn of Nanjing Normal University (NNU) are respectively one huge hundred-year-old gingko tree. The 20-plus-meter-high crowns look like huge golden umbrellas, perfectly matching the age-old buildings, and the two trees attract tourists with their unique postures and huge crowns. The gingko trees have attracted quite some overseas students, and their faces of different skin colors in this oriental autumnal scenery make you feel as if you are in a foreign country.

Cherry blossom at Xianlin Campus of NJUCM

A cherry forest to the west of a dining hall at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM) has a unique beauty when autumn comes. Despite the lack of snow-like cherry trees, the oval-shaped leaves of the short cherry trees have been dyed with colors of different shades by autumn, presenting a special style.

Sweet osmanthus flowers at NJFU

Walking along the paths at Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU), you can smell the fragrance of sweet osmanthus flowers everywhere. As the research center for sweet osmanthus flowers, the intoxicating sweet fragrance of NJFU lasts longer than that in other places. The plants of various kinds which can be seen everywhere at the campus, in particular, are showing their own unique beauty in late autumn, producing a multicolored scenery.

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