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Gaochang ruins
  发表日期:2010年8月12日  共浏览411 次   出处:www.seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:admins
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   Goachang is the largest city ruin in west China. The site served as the economical and religious center of Asia is located 40 kilometers from the Turpan City, at the north bank of the Aiding Lake and to the south of the Flaming Mountain.

Gaochang was fertile and cultivated land and served as capital of three western states. From the historical documents and relics excavated in the region, historians are able to sketch the outline of this grand city. Gaochang's ideal location at the middle of the Turpan Depression and the city's well layout with high walls and deep moats made it a significant military fortress of the Western Region over years. 

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