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The Hall of Jade Ripples
  发表日期:2023年12月22日  共浏览30 次   出处:www.seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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The Hall of Jade Ripples, also called "Sanhe yuan" for it was a hint at the Jin Dynasty verse (265-316): "Jade spring with rippling water" is one of the most impressive place that had an important role in History. Built in 1726, under the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799), the building burnt down like many others during periods of evil, but was restored later on. Known as a place notable for its seclusion and harmonious arrangement, the Hall of Jade Ripples started to have another function after 1898, when The Hundred Days Reform led by Emperor Guangxu failed. Indeed, the reform aiming at reforming the outdated feudal system by creating a new edict had received a sharp disagreement from Empress Dowager Cixi that arrested Emperor Guangxu and placed him in the Hall of Jade Ripples, secluded from the outside world. Symbolic act of this disagreement was the separation of the two rocks located in front of the Hall that used to represent Cixi and Guangxu.

During his long life confinement, Guangxu used to live between his day room and his bedchamber. The chamber, located at the east of the Hall is a cozy one. Facing it, the day room is still today where seeing the Emperor's desk made of rosewood and decorated with exquisite carvings.

上一篇:The Hall of Joyful Longevity
下一篇:The Yiyun House/Hall



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