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Jialing Monk Tower of Dajue Temple
  发表日期:2022年3月21日  共浏览127 次   出处:Beijing Tourism     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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In the backyard of Dajue Temple, the monk Jialing is buried under the Jialing Monk Pagoda. He was once appreciated by the Yongzheng Emperor and the Qianlong Emperor. He preached the Dharma in the temple and his influence spread to the monasteries around the country. After his death, he was buried at the back of the Dajue Temple, and this tower was then used to enshrine his bones. This pagoda is about 10 meters high and is white throughout. It has been mostly peeled off due to age, revealing the gray bricks inside. The whole tower features a beautiful and proportional shape. The tower is surrounded by pines and cypresses, forming one of Dajue Temple's "eight wonders", the "pines and cypresses embracing the tower".

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