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Huangling Village
  发表日期:2021年11月8日  共浏览269 次   出处:seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 Huangling Village, located on the east tourist line, is about 24 miles (39 kilometers) from Wuyuan County. With an area of 1,235 acres (5 square kilometers), it is like a pearl embraced by Shier Mountain. This village is full of an atmosphere of simplicity and elegance. It features cable transport, ancient residences, terraces, ocean of flowers, and folk customs. Built on a hillside, houses in Huangling Village have a unique characteristic “U” shape. In the autumn of each year, villagers dry crops in order to preserve their year’s produce. “Dry Crops In Autumn” has become a typical symbol of local culture, and it represents a comfortable and relaxing life style. Nowadays, this special and interesting scene attracts more and more visitors to tour and take photographs.

Before arriving at the entrance of the village, visitors should first go to the Huangling Visitor Center. This visitor center is different from others because of its special Huizhou architectural style. It is decorated with exquisite wood carvings on the facade. Entering the visitor center, there is a ceiling that contains thirteen layers decorated with beautiful Chinese traditional patterns. This kind of ceiling is considered a guardian that can protect the peace and safety of the village. It exaggerates the aura of mystery in Huangling Village.

Taking a cable car is a good choice for visitors touring the village. This transportation will take you from the foot of the mountain to the top. In this way, visitors can see an overview of the village. This experience will bring visitors a fresh and totally different feeling. Tourists can see many layers of terraces, and large areas of beautiful and colorful flowers. Different from the natural scenery of other scenic areas, tourists can fully indulge themselves in this kind of attractive and appealing idyllic scenery. At the end of your cable ride is the entrance to the village. Walking down the blue stone path, you can see ancient residences with special local characteristics lying on both sides of the street. In these ancient buildings, tourists can still feel the village’s prosperity in an ancient time. Old but exquisite wood carvings embody the long history and deep cultural heritage of this village.

In the village is a long gallery with brick carvings of 24 solar terms. These beautiful brick carvings are divided into four parts: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The carvings with literal interpretations describe how farmers and villagers work diligently from morning till evening. This impressive gallery is like a bioscope which displays every scene of a farmer’s daily life. Tourists will get a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture and the wisdom of farmers through these 24 brick carvings.

The outstanding feature of this village is “Dry Crops In Autumn”. From ancient China to the present day, people like to dry the whole year’s produce in the sunlight in order to preserve it. Because of the moist and drizzly climate, this situation often appears in southern China, especially in Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces. During the period of late summer and early autumn, corns or chilies are laid on the roofs of these ancient residences. The whole village is covered with a colorful patchwork quilt.
Take minibus at Wuyuan County Bus Station, and get off at Huangling Village Station.
There are many direct buses from 06:00 am to 16:30 pm every day.

上一篇:Nanchang Travel Tips
下一篇:Jiangling Village



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