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Xiamen Attractions
  发表日期:2021年11月7日  共浏览181 次   出处:seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 Located on the southeast coast of China, Xiamen enjoys a pleasant climate and beautiful natural environment. And the city claims to be a city in the sea and is renowned for its various scenic spots and cultural relics. There are mainly five or so tourist areas in this city.

Among them, the most attractive place should be the Gulangyu Island, which prohibits motor vehicles. With rich tourist resources of intriguing scenery, historical relics and architectures of varied styles, the Gulangyu is promising to be an AAAAA national tourist attraction and surely is a must-see during your trip to Xiamen. The Sunlight Rock, which claims to be Xiamen's highest point and the Shuzhuang Garden are highly recommended. Haoyue (Bright Moon) Park and the Piano Museum are also appealing to visitors.

The South Putuo tourist area is famous for the South Putuo Temple, which is located at the foot of Wulaofeng (Mountain of Five Old Men) and is deemed to be the most renowned Buddhist temple in Xiamen. Closely to its south is Xiamen University, which is believed to be one of universities with the most beautiful campus. Near the campus lies the famous Hulishan Fortress characterized by its hold of the largest and the smallest cannons in the world.

South Putuo Temple, Xiamen
South Putuo Temple
Jimei, Xiamen
Another remarkable tourist area is Jimei, the hometown of Mr. Tan Kah Kee (Chen Jiageng), an outstanding educator and leader of overseas Chinese. The academic atmosphere and attractive natural scenery of Jimei is manifested by attractions such as Jimei Study Village and Ao Yuan. In addition, Guilai Tang, Jiageng Park, etc. are also worth visiting.

Wanshishan tourist area located on the north piedmont of Mt. Shishan in the east of Xiamen boasts a unique sight of exotic rocks and stones as well as various subtropical plants. Tong'an tourist area also has many interesting attractions to see.

上一篇:Xiamen Facts
下一篇:Gulangyu Island



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