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Dunhuang Nightlife
  发表日期:2021年11月6日  共浏览259 次   出处:Source: seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 Nightlife, with obvious local characteristics is colorful in Dunhuang City. However, there are not many sparkling bars, discos or clubs, etc. the main attractions are the night markets; in China, even the world cannot miss these bustling, vibrant places in Dunhuang City. Let us introduce some shining examples here.

Local Performance in Dunhuang Hotel

Dunhuang Musicians and Dancers
In ancient times, Dunhuang was a melting pot for both song and dance of western and eastern cultures and developed a school all its own, the Dunhuang Folk Musicians and Dancers. After the arrangement of the Feitian Song and Dance Group of the Dunhuang Hotel, the programs well represent the rich Dunhuang cultural atmosphere and takes you back to the scene of the prosperous Tang Dynasty (618-907).

Summer of Dunhuang
This is a large song and dance performance with rich cultural references to the Silk Road, reflected in the ethnic art of song and dance. The performance, inspired by the content of murals in the Mogao Caves, portrays the dancing, finery and music of ethnic groups along the Silk Road.
From June to October, tourists can experience these performances on the second floor of south building (Conference Center) of Dunhuang Hotel (Address: No. 14 in East Yangguan Rd.), from 20:00 to 21:10.

Dunhuang Night market - Shazhou Market
Local DanceIt is an ideal place to learn about Dunhuang folk-customs and life. The market, divided into several areas, includes snacks, art ware, Sanpaotai (a kind of drinking vessel with a small plate, a cup and lid. Now the name of a special tea made with sugar candy, longan, Chinese date, medlar and currant.), Tea House area and a special ethnic products area etc. Tourists can browse at your leisure. There are also local opera street shows performed by amateurs - entertaining and fun.
With the long hours of daylight, tourists still have enough time to visit Echoing-Sand Mountain after supper. There are many entertainments and thrills for you to experience, including camel riding, climbing the mountain, sand sliding and parachute jumping.

上一篇:Western Thousand-Buddha Cave
下一篇:Waterwheel Garden



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