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Quanshan National Forest Park
  发表日期:2021年11月6日  共浏览153 次   出处:seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 Quanshan National Forest Park lies at the Quanshan Mountain in south suburb of Xuzhou City. As the main sightseeing area of Xuzhou Around-the-City Forest Park approved in 1992, it covers an area of 3,500 mu (577 acres) consisting of five peaks. Highlighted by its abundant animal and plant resources and beautiful natural scenery, the park is crowned as the 'Natural Oxygen Bar' ranking it as the first choice for visitors while traveling Xuzhou.

The Banyan, 17 meters (56 feet) high with a diameter of 35 meters (38 yards), shades an area of 700 sq meters (837 sq yards). It is deep-rooted and luxuriant with leaves, remaining green all the year round. It is said that one tree does not make a forest. But this banyan does make a forest!

Located southeast of the Quanshan National Forest Park, the ecological Bird Garden is the largest in China and highly praised to be the birds' paradise. There are in total 150 rare species of birds, such as red-crowned crane, flamingo and golden pheasant. In addition, visitors can talk with parrots and starlings which can imitate human voices.

The Peony Garden boasts 30,000 peonies of over 100 varieties. Every year in late April, peonies in the garden burst into blossom. The pomp casts other flowers into shade. Other plant gardens, such as the Bamboo Garden, the Metasequoia Forest, and the Cedar Forest, make the park an impressive botanical garden.

In the central part of the park, there is a grass-skiing field constructed on a slope. Equipped with cosy pulleys, this grass ski-slope seems to be beckoning to the visitors. There are altogether 18 wooden houses built on stilts for brief stays during their journey. Besides, the Rose Square with European flavor is also a stunning and romantic sight drawing wide attention where weddings are usually held.

Quanshan National Park is a gift of nature and an admirable destination for out-door activities as well. Far away from hustle and bustle, the park is always a natural shelter for city folks.

上一篇:Xuzhou Facts
下一篇:Yunlong Mountain ((Dragon in Clouds Mountain)



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