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Tinglin Park
  发表日期:2021年11月6日  共浏览100 次   出处:seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 Covering an area of more than 850 mu (over 140 acres), Tinglin Park is situated at the east foot of Ma'an Mountain (also named Kunshan Mountain) in Kunshan City. It was originally named Ma'an Mountain Park when built in 1906. Later, in order to commemorate the patriotic scholar Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), it was renamed Tinglin Park ('Tinglin' being the nickname of this well-respected figure) in 1936. Capitalizing on the landscape of the mountain, the park boasts charming natural scenery.

The biggest attraction in this park is the 'Three Treasures of Kunshan': Kun stone, the Eight Immortals and Twin Lotus flowers. Kun stone comes from the Kunshan Mountain. It is one of the most decorative stones with its intriguing appearance and pure jade-like texture. On the east side of Tinglin Park lies the two largest Kun stones in China. One evokes the image of a drifting cloud, the other of a flowing stream. Both of them are elegant and pure in form. The Eight Immortals flower is very rare and unique to China. What is peculiar about these the flowers is that each of them is formed by eight smaller flowers surrounding a center, each representing one of the eight immortal figures of Taoist legend, frequently pictured in a boat and denoting happiness. The flower is as big as a saucer and white as snow. Every April and May, the flowers are in full bloom, which is a sight to behold. Unlike the pure white Eight Immortals flower, the Twin Lotus flower, which stands on one stalk, seems much more fresh and graceful. The two magnificent plants boast of delicate fragrance as well as charming appearance. For exotic plant lovers, these extraordinary species will absolutely make your day and perhaps your trip.

Buildings in the Tinglin Park are also worth visiting. Here stands the Museum of Kun Opera. It is a building in the antique architecture style of Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties. Kun Opera has the reputation of being the 'father of all the Chinese operas'. This museum houses a quantity of Kun Opera scripts and paraphernalia used in the opera. In this museum, you can learn about the history of this great Chinese art. Nearby is the Gu Yanwu Memorial. It contains his former residence and tomb. In the Memorial, many of Gu's works and scripts are on exhibit. This outstanding scholar's extraordinary lifetime is well portrayed.

The park has experienced a long history of more than one hundred years. During all that time, the beautiful natural scenery has not dimmed. In the background, the mountain, green bamboo and blooming shrubs reveal nature at its best. Running streams and small bridges add much more charm. What's more, the pavilions and verandas of primitive simplicity endow deep cultural connotation to this park. It is quite a fascinating place for people to enjoy the lure of natural scenery and experience the culture of Kunshan.

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下一篇:Peonica Garden Theme Park



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