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Shenyang Facts
  发表日期:2021年11月5日  共浏览130 次   出处:seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 Chinese Name: 沈阳 (shěn yáng)
Population: 8,322,000
Area: 12,948 square kilometers (4,999 square miles)
Location: in the central area of Liaoning Province, northeast China
Administrative Division: 10 districts (Heping, Shenhe, Huanggu, Dadong, Tiexi, Hunnan, Yuhong, Shenbei New Area, Sujiatun, Liaozhong); 2 counties (Kangping, Faku); 1 county-level city (Xinmin)
Area Code: 024
Zip Code: 110000
GDP (2019): CNY 647.03 billion (USD 93.79 billion)

The Capital City of Liaoning & Largest City in Northeast China
Located in the central part of Liaoning Province, Shenyang is the capital of Liaoning Province, famous for heavy industry equipment manufacturing. This city, bordered by the Liaodong Peninsula on the south side and Changbai Mountains on the north side, belongs to Bohai economic circle. With dense high speed railways, expressways and intercity networks, Shenyang has developed a transportation system.

With a history of over 2,000 years, Shenyang saw its most prosperous periods when Huang Taiji established the Qing Dynasty (1636 - 1912) in 1636. The Shenyang Imperial Palace, former royal residences and other valuable historical sites including imperial tombs, temples, pagodas and former residences of celebrities. Besides, the city witnessed the darkest moment of China during the Sino-Japan wars and today you can visit ''9.18'' History Museum to learn about the history.

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