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Qiantang River
  发表日期:2021年11月1日  共浏览131 次   出处:seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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 Qiantang River is the biggest in Zhejiang Province, running from the west to Hangzhou Bay in the east. It serves as a river hinge, playing an important role in the water-transportation between the east and the west. It is encircled by a group of economically booming cities including Shanghai, the leading industrial and commercial hub of the country, and Ningbo, one of China's leading port cities. The extraordinary surging tide of the River is a world-renowned natural wonder caused by the gravitational pull of the stars and planets. The centrifugal force produced by the rotation of the earth and by the peculiar bottleneck shape of Hangzhou Bay makes it easy for the tide to come in, but difficult for it to ebb.

The soaring tide of the Qiantang River is such a marvelous spectacle that only the Amazon River's surging tide rivals it! Annually, millions of people from both home and abroad flock there to watch it on the eighteenth day of the eighth lunar month (also around the Mid-Autumn Day). When the surging tide comes, the water can rise up to a height of 9 meters (30 feet) and the noise it generates sounds like thunder, or thousands of horses running. Various activities will also be held to celebrate the annual Tide - Watching Festival, according to local custom. In terms of its history, the custom of watching the bore tide has happened for more than 2,000 years. It first appeared during the first century. Then, it became popular in the Tang Dynasty (about 7th -13th century). Yangong town in Haijing 45 km (about 28 miles) from Hangzhou is the best place to watch the Qiantang Tide.

The rushing tide can be dangerous if you are careless. So it's best to listen to the advice of the local policemen there whose job is to ensure your safety and security.

Qiantang River Bridge
Qiantang River Bridge
Crossing the river is the Qiantang River Bridge. It is China's first self-designed and self-built bridge, which had been being built from April 1934 to September 1937. The bridge is comprised of its main body and the bridge approach, stretching a distance of 1,453 meters (4,767 feet). It is also the first modern double - layer bridge in the country. The upper layer of the bridge is a highway and the layer below is a railway. Qiantang River Bridge is designed by the famous Chinese bridge engineer, Mao Yisheng, who defied the words spoken by foreigners that it was impossible to construct a bridge in such a spot, and who made a great contribution to the Chinese bridge building industry. Looking out from the Six Harmonies Pagoda, one can get a panoramic view of the mighty Qiantang River, the majestic Qiantang River Bridge, and the surrounding landscape.

Best Time to Appreciate the Tidal Wave
Visitors should go to watch the tidal wave on the eighteenth day of the eighth month on Chinese lunar calendar. If they can't make it, they also can go on the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth day of every lunar month.

In addition, visitors are suggested to arrive at least 40 minutes early to wait for the tide.  
Best Locations to Enjoy Qiantang River
There are three best locations to enjoy Qiantang River: Daquekou, Tidal Wave Watching Park of Yanguan Town and Laoyancang.
Daquekou and Laoyancang
Tidal Wave Watching Park of Yanguan Town, Haining City
Entrance Ticket: CNY 30
Ticket price will be adjusted during the Tidal Wave Watching Festival (from the 13th to 20th of the eighth month on Chinese lunar calendar).
How to get to the best locations from Hangzhou
Visitors should take regular buses from Hangzhou Passenger Transport Central Station to Haining and then take local buses to reach the three locations.
To Daquekou
Take Haining Bus 106/ 108 to Haichao Station and walk south for 1km to your destination.
To Tidal Wave Watching Park
After arriving in Haining, you can take Haining Bus 109/ 216 to Yanguan Scenic Area; or take Haining Bus 106 to Dadongmen.
2. You can also take Bus 868 or 868 Holiday Line from Hangzhou Passenger Transport Central Station to Yancang Bus Station, and then take Haining Bus 106 there.
To Laoyancang
1. From Haining Bus Station, take Haining Bus 106, 108, or 113 there.
2. Take Bus 868 or 868 Holiday Line from Hangzhou Passenger Transport Central Station directly to Laoyancang Station.

上一篇:China National Tea Museum
下一篇:Qinghefang Ancient Street



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