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Guihe River Forest Park ((妫河森林公园)
  发表日期:2021年7月14日  共浏览273 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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The beauty of Yanqing District is gathered along Guihe River, whose beauty is represented by the scenery of the two sides of the river. The Golden Ox Lake at the foot of the Golden Ox Mountain is the paradise on earth and is like the head of a dragon, the Lotus Flower Lake poses as the tail of the dragon, and the water of the river in the middle is like a swimming dragon.

Getting on a boat to flow down the river, you will enter a world of fine art. This water channel has 8 km and it is like a green corridor meandering in the artistic world. Some parts of the river are not easy to pass, since rivers become quick and powerful in these parts. You should be careful.

The drainage areas of Guihe River have not been pollute or damaged by human activities, and they basically remain their original forms. There are dense woods on the two sides of the river, where the environment is nice and the scenery is naturally beautiful. Summer heat and city noise cannot be found here, and this area has fresh air, a blue sky and cool weather, posing as a perfect place for summer escape.

In the forest park visitors can find 10 stunning spots such as Crouching Elephant Garden, Banshan Lake, Chinese Rose Garden and so on. Many different kinds of tree species can be found in the parks and wild flowers are scattered everywhere of the park. Visitors can tour the park on foot, by bike or by car.

上一篇:Tsinghua Garden ((清华园)
下一篇:Rendinghu Park ((人定湖公园)



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