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Dingqinwang Mansion ((定亲王府)
  发表日期:2021年7月13日  共浏览144 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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The Dingqinwang Mansion covers an area of about 6.5 acres with more than 400 rooms. There was a management department, purchase department, zhuangyuan Department and other departments to manage finance, rents and other issues of the mansion.

The mansion used be Xunqinwang Mansion which was the resilience of Wang Yonghuang, the first son of Hongli. Wang Yonghuang was given the honor of Dingqinwang in 1750 after his death, and his son Miande inherited the Dingqinwang honor and changed the Xunqinwang Mansion into Dingqinwang Mansion.

It is said that Dingjunwang Puxu bought a safe but forgot the password, then the safe became useless. After the Yihetuan Movement, he was afraid and buried the safe in his garden. The French invaders heard about the safe and believed there were treasures in it so they dig out the safe but they had no idea how to open the safe. Finally, they blew the safe up and it turned out to be an empty safe.

上一篇:Beijing Yunfoshan Ski Resort ((北京云佛山滑雪场)
下一篇:Qifengshan National Forest Park ((崎峰山国家森林公园)



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