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Beijing Olympic Park ((奥林匹克公园)
  发表日期:2021年7月13日  共浏览230 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
     字体颜色:    【字体:放大 正常 缩小】  【双击鼠标左键自动滚屏】 【图片上滚动鼠标滚轮变焦图片】 

The Olympic Green, situated at the northern end of the central axis of Beijing City, is an Olympic Park in Chaoyang District. It extends to the southern bank of the Qinghe River in the north, North Tucheng Road in the south, Anli Road and Beichen East Road on the east, and Lincui Road and Beichen West Road on the west. The Olympic Park was the main venue for the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It accommodates 44% of the Olympic competition venues and most facilities for the Olympics. The Olympic Park has the largest Olympic venue cluster in history. It covers an area of 11.59 square kilometers and is composed of the Olympic Forest Park in the north, the Olympic venue cluster in the center and the Asian Games venue cluster in the south.

Beijing is the epitome of Chinese culture, and the Olympic Park is an extension of the traditional central axis of Beijing. Therefore, the park symbolizes the continuation of China’s several thousand-year history and culture, embodying the three concepts of green, science, and culture. With Olympic venues and various supporting facilities, the Olympic Park incorporates sports competitions, conventions and exhibitions, cultural entertainment, and leisure shopping. Embracing large open space, greenbelts and beautiful environment, the park serves as a public activity center which can provide versatile services. The Olympic Park presents the world a unique cultural landscape, including a dragon-shaped water system, an assortment of sculptures, well-designed floral motifs and lampposts, etc. The sunken garden, at the depth of nine meters underground, combines traditional elements such as ancient Chinese imperial palace gates with modern architecture, creating an artistic conception of space and time of both the ancient and modern.

上一篇:Huangsongyu National Forest Park ((黄松峪国家森林公园)
下一篇:China Numismatic Museum ((中国钱币博物馆)



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