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Changchun Temple ((长椿寺)
  发表日期:2021年7月13日  共浏览234 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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Changchun Temple is located in Beijing Changchun Street. Shanmen face to east and there are the Front Hall, the Main Hall and Behind Hallin the temple. Although it had been repaired, the original buildings are basically remained their old struction.

Built in the Ming Dynasty of Wanli Period ( 1592), the temple has a history nearly 400 years. The Ming Shenzong's mother - Xiaoding Li Empress ordered Chi built the temple for the Shuizhai, the Zen master, and his disciples.

Shenzong given the temple a name "Long Piles", which means that Shenzong wish his mother health and longevity. After the death of the Queen Mother, ordinary people memorized her as "Jiulian Bodhisattva" . So Changchun Temple has been preserved a picture of Jiulian Bodhisattva since then.

In addition, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen, ordered the artist painted a picture of the Queen Mother of Liu because of missing his mother, Xiao Chun Liu Queen . The picture also hung in the Changchun Temple. However, all two images were lost during the “Cultural Revolution”.

There was a seepage gold treasures Buddha copper tower in Changchun Temple which about 1.5 feet high. Now copper tower has been moved to Wanshou Temple.

上一篇:Xizhao Temple ((夕照寺)
下一篇:Lianhuashan Ski Resort ((莲花山滑雪场)



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