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Yulong Oriental Hongjiu Manor ((御龙东方红酒庄园)
  发表日期:2021年7月9日  共浏览148 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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Miyun Hongjiu Manor, also named Yulong Oriental Hongjiu Manor is located Mujiayu Town of Miyun District in Beijing, 8 kilometers away from Miyun District. It covers an area of 80 square meters and accommodates 1300 tourists.

Offering lodging and entertainment, Miyun Hongjiu Manor is the largest eco-tourism resort in northern China. There are two parts main buildings which are Australia Hongjiu Manor and Knagqian Palace in Miyun Hongjiu Manor.

The Australia Hongjiu Manor consists of two typical European constructions and several villa groups. One of them is called Government House, which used for entertainment and conference. There are four floors: multifunctional hall, VIP, hall and display hall in one floor; five conference rooms in second floor; European bar, Japanese and South Korea tea bar and two vie towersthe in the third floor. The other European building in Australia Hongjiu Manor is Hongjiu Wensha Palace, which is used as guestrooms and restaurants. Tourists can enjoy the typical guestrooms and delicious foods.

上一篇:Snow World Ski Resort ((北京雪世界滑雪场)
下一篇:Jundushan Ski Resort ((军都山滑雪场)



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