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Dingdu Pavilion(定都阁)
  发表日期:2021年7月9日  共浏览169 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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With a floor area of 550 square meters and a construction area of about 2,400 square meters, the Dingdu Pavilion is located on the top of the Dingdu Peak, Tanzhesi Town, Mentougou District, Beijing. The Dingdu Peak has an altitude of 680m and is surrounded by rolling mountains.
The Dingdu Pavilion and the Grand Canal are on the west and east end of the Chang’an Avenue – the most famous street in China – respectively. The Pavilion overlooks the entire Beijing City and therefore is the perfect spot to have a full view or take a full shot of the city. According to historical records, Yao Guangxia, a famous chancellor of the Ming Dynasty, climbed to the top of Dingdu Mountain to reconnoiter the terrain before building Beijing City. This was why the mountain was named Dingdu, which means the establishment of a capital in Chinese.
No more surprised by the resplendent aerial night views in magazines, you can command of wonderful view of the night at Dingdu Pavilion on the extension line of West Chang'an Street at an altitude of 700m.

上一篇:Cao Xueqin''s Former Residence(曹雪芹故居)
下一篇:Wucai Qianshan National Waterfront Hiking Fitness Trail ((舞彩浅山滨水国家登山步道)



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