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Beijing Yeyahu National Wetland Park ((野鸭湖国家湿地公园)
  发表日期:2021年6月30日  共浏览158 次       【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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Yeya Lake (Wild Duck Lake) Wetland Park is at the foot of the Badaling Great Wall listed in the World Cultural Heritage, on the bank of Guanting Reservoir - the first reservoir since 1949, with its north nested to Songshan Mountain and Dahaituo Mountain. Covering a total area of 283.4 hectares, located in the buffering area of Beijing’s largest and most diversified Yeya Lake Wetland Natural Reserve, it is the important habitat for birds in Beijing and the stopover site of the migrant birds on East Asia - Australia Route. In the migrant season of every year, a large variety of birds make a stopover here, most of which are wild goose and duck species, that is why the lake is called Yeya (Wild Duck) Lake. The wetland here is abundant in wild lives, insects and fishes, which is a great place for people to get close to nature and release their mind, and also a perfect place for camping.

上一篇:Badaling Remnant Great Wall (八达岭残长城)
下一篇:Huihuang International Conference Resort ((辉煌国际会议度假区)



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