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Miaofengshan Scenic Area ((妙峰山风景名胜区)
  发表日期:2021年6月25日  共浏览173 次   出处:www.seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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As one of the most famous mountains in Beijing and a tourist attraction in the suburbs, Miaofeng Mountain is located in the Mentougou District of western Beijing.

It is located more than 30km to the northwest of Beijing and 55km away from the downtown area with a height of 1291 meters and a total area of 20km2. The Mountain is also called Miaogao Summit because it has majestic mountains and five peaks that stand upright simultaneously in which Miaogao Summit is one of them. It has verdant trees and beautiful scenery on the top with a lot of ancient temples, there are also many seasonal landscapes such as sunrise, sunset glow, soft rime and mirage, and vast rose garden of best quality in China; among them, “The Temple of the Virgin Mother of Heaven Bixiayuanjun” that was built in the end of Ming Dynasty is quite famous. The Temple is located on the Golden Peak (the highest peak); in the periods of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, a grand temple fair was held on the first to fifteenth days of the fourth lunar month each year and as a result the mountain became famous.

The scenic spot is famous for its ancient temples, pines, and rocks. The Miaofengshan Taihang Mountains, igneous rock structure, the main peak of 1,291 meters above sea level, and the mountain Qiaoba Elegant flowers can be found here. Miaofengshan scenic area is located in the territory of more than 50 kilometers from the city center, an area of 20 square kilometers, the scenic spot is famous for its ancient temples, pines, rocks.

上一篇:Badaling Great Wall ((八达岭长城风景名胜区)
下一篇:Xiedao Holiday Village Resort ((蟹岛绿色生态农庄)



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