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Lianhuachi Park ((莲花池公园)
  发表日期:2021年6月25日  共浏览158 次   出处:www.seeinchina.com     【编辑录入:中华旅游网
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The Lianhuachi Park (Lotus Pond Park) is very close to the Beijing West Railway Station, and is located at the junction of Xuanwu District, Fengtai District and Haidian District. With an area of 44.6 hectares (110 acres), the park is a modern garden and is well-known for its splendid lotus scenery.

The park is exquisite, elegant and classical, where pavilions, rockeries, ponds, bridges, stones, fragrant flowers, luxuriant grass and trees are built and planted. On the both sides of the biggest pond, there are verdant Chinese pines, cedars, ginkgos, locust trees, white waxes, and magnolia trees. About 80,000 lotuses with 250 species or so are planted in the clear pond. The most stunning is the lotus scenery. In summer, all kinds of lotus flowers are in full bloom as if they are competing for the most beautiful title. As an ancient poem wrote: 'The Lotus leaves stretch to the sky a boundless green; the lotus flower in sunlight with unusual red to glow'. A breeze ripples with the surface of the hectares of the Lotus Pond, which forms a wonderful picture. A delicate white marble statue stands at the bank of the pond, telling a beautiful love tale between a Lotus-flower Fairy and Lotus-root Man. Next to the pond, there is an outdoor theatre with a stage in a 'T' style and music fountains pools on both sides. The pools are full of water lilies blooming different floral colors of summer.

上一篇:Longmenjian Canyon ((龙门涧风景区)
下一篇:Laoxiang Peak ((老象峰旅游区)



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